In a split second, my life changed completely

WHY Participate?

While there are no direct benefits to participating, it is hoped that there will be a benefit to future SCI patients and to society. Through the distribution of ISCIB materials and publication of new scientific discoveries, we aim to improve the prognosis and available therapies for individuals who endure an SCI.

I eNDURED an SCI, May I Participate?

At this time, you are only eligible to participate in ISCIB if you have sustained an acute, traumatic spinal cord injury and have been admitted to Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) for treatment, or if you are eligible and participating in another SCI research study affiliated with ISCIB.

We are currently investigating the expansion of our eligibility criteria to include the recruitment of chronic and non-traumatic SCI participants at VGH and other hospitals across British Columbia and Canada. ISCIB’s eligibility criteria will be updated on this page once it is approved by all of the required review boards and committees.